Tips to Make Quality Backlinks In Google


Tips to Make Quality Backlinks In Google
(Google's BackLinks)
Backlinks are links from blogs / other web that point to your blog / website. The number of backlinks a numerous and quality will make your blog the higher the ranking.

Before you search for backlinks, you should know 2 types of backlinks that Good for your website and liked by Google's BackLinks next time you are looking for.

1. One-Way Links

One way links from website A to B. For example get backlinks from, whereas no link to So basically one-way from A to B and B does not provide links to A.

Scheme: A -> B

2. Two Way Link

Link two-way, between the two blogs / websites. A web eg provide a link to the web W, so does the web provide a link to the web W A.

Scheme: A <-> B

Besides these two types there is a known potent type of backlinks for SEO affairs. Ie ..

3. Three Way Links

This is not a 3-way link, but variations of one way backlinks. Three way link is suggested by many SEO experts like Jonathan Leeger.

Understanding 3/Three way link is a one way link involving 3 websites or blogs. Web A leads to B, B leads to C Web and web-C leads to A.

Scheme: A -> B -> C -> A

Now before you start looking for a quality backlink, there are some things to think about and consider.

Here are some things you should think about and consider when later will start building backlinks.

- What PageRank'nya?

It is important to maintain your blog / website you get quality backlinks. 10 Backlink from PR 0 to 1 Backlink from a PR 3 more good backlinks from PR 3

- What Anchor text that you use for your blog / your website?

It is also important so that your blog / website you are well indexed by google with key words that your target.

- Did you get backlinks from sites that Google trusted?

Or so-called "authority site". The site is believed to google because he had a content of a unique, popular, and has a lot of quality backlinks.

- What is the number of outgoing links (outbound links) from the site?

The idea is to link to another website. The less outbound links, then the quality is also a link that you get. Suppose you get a backlink from PR 3, but the site is PR 3 has 100 outbound links. Then the quality backlinks that you get the same quality that is divided for.

- Is the IP Address of the webpage is still one network with the blog / web?

Google backlink having fun on a different IP address. Suppose you create 10 dummy blog with one hosting account, from a dummy blog link to the main blog because it's a bit less quality remains one network IP addresses.

Use to find the IP address

-Do you focus on the use or non-WWW WWW domain?

When you are looking for backlinks, make sure the URL address of your blog without using www or non www.
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