avoid virus attacks on computer without Antivirus

Avoid Virus Attacks On Computer Without Antivirus
For users of Windows Operating System may have been very "friendly" with a Computer Virus name. How?? Yes, because the Windows Operating System Operating System is the most vulnerable to computer viruses. So for Windows users are strongly encouraged to keep the computers in order to avoid the attack of the virus. The most common way to do is to install anti-virus on the computer. However, in this tutorial will discuss how to protect our computers without using Anti Virus. Ok Check it out .. ^ _^

In fact, about 85% of computer viruses in the United States, and 65% of computer viruses from abroad using a programming language "Visual Basic". While the program or virus that created using Visual Basic programming language to run on Windows Operating System will always require a module file named "msvbvm60.dll" which is located in the directory "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \". So if the file does not exist, then to 85% of viruses from America, and 65% of the virus from abroad will not be able to walk, but the risk is that if an application is not a virus which is also made ​​with Visual Basic programming language will also be paralyzed on the computer, and will display an error message as below.

Sometimes also as below


Above error message appears because of a Visual Basic application that failed in the due execution of the module file msvbvm60.dll which needs do not exist or was not found.

  So my point is you should just rename the file msvbvm60.dll, and if there is not a virus application that you run error and displays an error message as above, then rename the file msvbvm60.dll and again after rename again with another name. Do not think this is troublesome, because currently there is rarely a formal application is still using Visual Basic programming language.

  Ways to rename the file msvbvm60.dll quickly:

- Step 1

First create a file vbren.bat and vbfix.bat:

Open notepad.exe and type:

ren c: \ windows \ system32 \ msvbvm60.dll 11111msvbvm60.dll

- Step 2
Then save with the name: "vbren.bat" and stored in the directory "C: \ windows \"

- Step 3

If already in the store, make another one but its contents:

ren c: \ windows \ system32 \ msvbvm60.dll 11111msvbvm60.dll

- Step 4
then save with the name: "vbfix.bat" and also stored in the directory "C: \ windows \"

- Step 5
Once the file vbren.bat and vbfix.bat completed, so if you want to rename the file msvbvm60.dll you just open the "Start menu - RUN" or more rapidly push

the "Win + R" and then type Enter vbren

- Step 6
then the file, msvbvm60.dll the name will change to 11111msvbvm60.dll

And if you want to restore his name as before, go back to RUN or push the button "Win + R" and then type Enter vbfix

- Step 7
msvbvm60.dll file name then it will return to msvbvm60.dll


Once again do not even think how to prevent viruses on the troublesome because the proverb says "It is better to prevent, than cure". Agree?

Hopefully useful and good luck ^ _ ^
Avoid Virus Attacks On Computer Without Antivirus
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