Advanced painting using Photoshop

"Sketching Sketch Painting"

My tutorial times will be discussed, the simple effects that can be created from the merger of the existing features in Adobe Photoshop program. Sketch face can be made by a former painter. Sketch of the painting is in need by a reliable painters, so that painting is more optimal results and avoid mistakes. But this time I will make sketches with Adobe Photoshop. As we know, there are many tools that we find in Adobe Photoshop, in this tutorial, we will both make a sketch effect, maybe my friends had seen the previous article the Create Sketch In Just 5 Minutes of Photoshop. Similar results are right? and turns with the different tools we can create the same results. Well .. Now my friends may choose which steps you think you can use with as comfortable as possible.

Happy at work ^ _ ^

The final results will be made
 Step 1
Open the Adobe Photoshop program. Click the file menu> Open> select the image,> then end open.

Step 2
Double click the background layer, so the screen turns into layer 0.Klik 2x (so it turns into layer 0)

Step 3
Click menu Image> Adjustment> Black and White
In the dialog box that appears, do the following settings:

Then finish by pressing ok.
(In setting this value can be done according to the needs of each)

Step 4
Duplicate the layer 0 (Ctrl + J). At layer 0 copy, click the image menu> Adjustment> Inverse (Ctrl + I)
Make sure Layer 0 copy is active,
Step 5

click Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur
Still on Layer 0 copy, change the blending mode to Linear Dodge (Add) In the dialog box that appears enter a radius value of 9.5 pxl.
Now the vignette effect is complete, do not forget to save. Click the file menu choose Save (Ctrl + S).
Final Results
How? results were also baguskan? like the words we often hear "A lot Road to Rome".

Ok, until I met him again in the next tutorial ...

Continue to work with
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