Restore Missing Folders Solution Because the Virus Attack

Restore Missing Folders Solution Because the Virus Attack
What if already working on such a complicated task and then to arbitrarily eliminate viruses fact when we checked in its properties (right click on the folder) turns the folder containing the files are quite large. When you try to change the properties on the attribute to remove the check mark in the hidden option turned out to existing files in the folder does not appear. Similarly, when you change the attributes on the folder option by checking the markings on the show hidden files and folders.

Why did this happen? This happens because the virus has already changed the registry in the system folder so that all existing files in the folder hidden. Viruses are the most vicious attack at the time was a local man-made virus called Brontok native Indonesia. The virus then continues to develop into a new variant that had horrendous antivirus experts in the world.

Such problems often occur to us that work-based computer or anyone who deals with the world of IT (Information Technology). Do not panic Do not worry Calm wrote because this time I present a solution how to restore folders lost due to virus. Keep in mind that sometimes a virus just hides the folder instead of removing Below are the steps.

Step 1
Open the Run by clicking Start> Click Run (Ctrl + R)> type in cmd.
See Also "Types of Commands Run on Windows"

Step 2
after emerging from the cmd window display

select the location of the drive or flash that you want to "Restore Missing Folders Solution Because the Virus Attack"
Step 3
Type attrib -r -s -h / d / s then enter. Like This pic...
Type attrib -r -s -h /d /s then enter
After that, open the drive or folder that had been hidden by the system to refresh your computer and open the windows explorer. See if the drive or folder has reappeared.

Here are a few reviews about the meaning attrib -r -s -h / d / s

attrib: display or to change file attributes

-r-s-h:   -r-s-h: restore file attributes readonly air, system and hidden to the normal state

/ d / s: process folders and subfolders

Good luck

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