How to Create a Logo Banner

How to Create a Logo Banner
How to Create a Logo Banner
For those who can photoshop program, make a banner and badge / chicklet is easy. For those who rather lazy to exercise the brain-tweaking photoshop like not to worry. In many Internet providers chicklet and banner maker program online for free and instant. Logo or small banner chicklet is commonplace for such a link-button in the sidebar of the blog. While the banner is larger and usually placed in the header of your blog / website.

Follow these guidelines to create a logo / chicklet / banner below:

    How to Make a Chicklet
      1.  Visit
        In the LEFT-BLOCK (upper left) there is a menu "Text", replace the text "W3C" in keeping with who you want. Example:
       2. On the RIGHT-BLOCK (upper right) there is a menu "Text", replace the words "xhtml" dg yg keeping with your wishes, for example, "Free Download"
      3.  In the Generate-BUTTON (bottom right) click on Generate Button. It will appear chicklet.
        Point your mouse over the image, right click -> save picture as -> love the name of the file (example: chicklet blog -> save).
      4.  After the saving on the computer, insert / upload images chicklet in the online sites like In this case, the image is stored in the address so chicklet image TSB. is blog.png

    Note: If not in list, you just visit the URL address and login with your gmail account.

    Once saved them online, you can use to suit your needs such as to exchange link with other blogger friends, or just for display in the sidebar.
    Tip: shape fonts and background colors can be changed according to taste. Just click the menu "color" and "background" on the site above.

    How to Create an Online Banner
        DESIGN A LOGO Click the menu (the top).
        In the menu select CHOOSE A LOGO DESIGN pictures that you like, for example, click embossed.
        On the menu TEXT LOGO I wrote "Art Maker"
        Click the RENDER LOGO DESIGN (bottom).
        Save to your computer (how, right click the image -> save picture as -> love the name of the file)
        After that upload to hosting your own images. (See point A.5 and A.6).

Note: Uploading image / logo or banner image certainly does not have the, for your users can also upload it on, at for blogspot users, or anywhere online for free hosting.
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