20 Style Blog Posts mandatory in embrace

20 Style Blog Posts mandatory in embrace

I rangkumkan that there are about 20 styles blog post that we can use on our blog. In order not to confuse understand tips available in each style, his explanation is as follows:

    Maximum Posts Per Week: The maximum number of posts per week is recommended articles, so people do not become bored (1, 2, 3,4,5 +)
    Popularity: The popularity of the style of this blog post (1-5)
    Difficulty: The difficulty of making an article with the style of this blog post (easy, medium, hard)

  1.  Insight Bloggingg: Divide the original ideas, deep thoughts, trends and commentary on a topic. Including the most difficult style of blogging done. May post more than five times a week and also high levels of popularity (4). Although it should be understood that the level of difficulty is very high (difficult).

 2.   Ambition Blogging: The goal posts and the ambition to achieve a desired goal. Usually the post intended for decision makers. Due to relatively low levels of difficulty writing it and so will its popularity, then you should not post more than one article per week.

 3.   Piggyback Blogging: Post about a topic that is popular and crowded displayed in the media. The form can be opinion, the study analysis, etc.. With the difficulty level and popularity is a hefty (3), then the hunt for a post like this might be an attractive option for bloggers who are writing some comment people:)

 4.   Blogging Life: A so-called reality blogging. Post about the real story is happening in our daily lives. Relatively easy to do, though its popularity was (2). The number of post with this style may be more than five times a week.

 5.   Brand Blogging: Post about the positive attributes of a brand, personal or product (inside look). It could also be an association of individuals with a good brand of its official or unofficial. Must be carefully addressed, although it looks tempting, and may be more than five times a week, but its popularity is relatively low (2): (

 6.   Detractor Blogging: Posting of dislike, complain to a service, product or brand. Usually because the bloggers get a bad experience when using the service, product and brand. Despite fairly high levels of popularity (3), but please remember to not do a post with this style more than once a week. I myself have only ever made four posts in my blogging life. Too vulgar to blogging detractor will make us deal with the article 27 UU ITE:)

 7.   Annoucement Blogging: Post in the form of a news, announcements or big issues that are not generally known before. The maximum effect will be obtained if we became the first disseminators of news about the issue. Although including posts that are very difficult, especially getting the timing, but including that sometimes we have to pursue because of the popularity of really fantastic (5):)

 8.   Link Blogging: Posting a link collection sites, blogs or other content required by readers. If we succeed in presenting a link that is needed by our readers, then we will be posting urls bookmarked and saved by our readers. The difficulty is pretty, but its popularity is relatively high:)

 9.   Video Blogging: Post in the form of an original video that made its own. It could also put the video on YouTube, made the link in our blog post and we give an interesting commentary and analysis. Popularity depends on the quality of the video and the comments that we deliver.

10.    Photo Blogging: Post which mainly contains the results of photo shots. Photos are usually shaped series which we take directly from our camera. Can be given additional comments on this post or only photographs. Difficulty level is lower than the Video Blogging, but its popularity is relatively the same. Suitable for patching the boredom of our readers who are used to read the article in the form of text on our blog.

11.    Review of Blogging: Opinion and an honest review from us about a product or service. Could be due to the demand, pay, or our personal initiative. Posts that are relatively easy to do, but its popularity is decent. Including posts that must often we're after:)

 12.   Blogging Evangelist: The goal to inspire others to believe in something we believe. Something that can be a social problem, organization, product, or individuals who we believe. It would be even more powerful when the inspiration and the invitation is based on a semi-scientific study:)

 13.   List Blogging: Post a ranking of the top 10 (top ten) or something about something. Posts will usually be in your bookmarks and distributed by our readers. With medium and maximum difficulty may post more than five times per week, including who may be often we make. Especially if you see a high level of popularity (5). Could start with something simple rank and valuation parameters are easy.

14.    Blogging Survey: Posting a survey that we hope is answered by our readers. Survey could use poll plugin or we ask the reader directly to answer in our blog comments field. Its popularity is high (4) and may be relatively easy to do when we use a polling plugin. Can be started by making a simple survey about our activities, books we read, the ideal home or something that is a trend in society.

 15.   Repost Blogging: Taking the writing or posting of blogs or other sites and post on our blog. Usually by being given additional comments or just copy and paste the bitter end. Including that I always avoid in blogging and indeed should not we do it because it will reduce our blog brand.

 16.   Guest Blogging: Writing an article published on blogs or other sites that are not ours. Usually because we are joined into a community or we do not have the means to blog.

17.    Interview Blogging: Post in the form of the results of interviews with someone. Published in the form of text (transcript), audio, or video. Relatively difficult, but its popularity is usually quite high. May be more than five times a week.

18.    Event Blogging: Post in the form of impressions, opinions and thoughts about an event (seminar, conference, concert, etc) that we follow or not. Its popularity is high when many of our readers in touch with the events that we postingkan

19.    Live Blogging: Post what is currently happening in realtime. Usually bloggers using mobile equipment and follow through an RSS reader (syndicated). Some bloggers are now using facebook and twitter for live blogging. Includes a high popularity, but must be careful in editing the article because the error rate on live blogging writing is quite high (limited time).

 20.   Classified Blogging: There is a need for a product or service. Post a job opening or search for a product or a statement of services that we want to be bought or sold. It was easy to do and we should not often do:)

Similarly, 20-style blog post that we can use to enrich our blog content. Blogger also human beings who feel weary, tired and bored. Insight oriented Blogging is good, but that does not mean when the conditions we are no ideas, keep blogging so stopped. Combine with Photo Blogging, List Blogging, Live Blogging, etc if at all possible. That will make our blog is not boring, and certainly we still do not lose our character in blogging.
20 Style Blog Posts mandatory in embrace
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