What Computer Should I Buy?

One of the most common questions, “what computer should I buy?”, can have a complex answer, in that every system has differing manufacturing measures and technology used, not to mention varying user needs. This question is actually a combination of questions, rolled up into one final, detailed list of components and features you want.
To thoroughly answer this question, I have broken it down into two parts. This article will discuss the general overview and the article, Selecting Computer Components, will review the selection of specific PC hardware and features when buying a computer.
The lifespan of a PC, or laptop, varies based upon several factors, such as quality of build, brand, and most importantly, use of. The use correlates to the amount of time you spend on your computer, as well as how well it performs. If your most-recent computer felt sluggish, you may consider upgrading your CPU and purchasing additional memory (RAM) modules.
Let’s walk through the basics of computer selection. Remembering, there is no one, single answer for all.
Which is The Best Computer?
Again, that depends upon your need’s. Try to think two or three years out; will you be traveling a lot, or truly need a portable computer? Try to prioritize your needs to help narrow down your selections.
Desktop PC, Laptop, Netbook, Tablet-style?
Though I use several different type of computers, I can say my primary computer is a desktop PC. It is the most powerful and contains all the bells and whistles I was searching for. Years past, I found myself utilizing a laptop more often, because it’s much easier to lounge around with, and I traveled frequently. When my traveling minimized, I decided to go with a desktop replacement laptop with a large 17″ screen.
So, as you can see, your selection is really dependent upon the performance needed, portability, size, weight, and space you have in your home or office. There has been a real trend to go with a laptop, as they have become lighter weight and have increased performance.
Others opt to select a netbook or tablet-style computer, primarily due to a budget. That’s all fine and good, just realize they are not high-performance machines, and will be limiting in scope of features.

At this point, I am going to assume you have already selected the ‘type’ of computer you want, now it’s time review other aspects.

Brand Selection

Let me just state upfront, every computer brand experiences issues. I have had good luck, overall, with all brands. I must say this may be to my effort taken to keep data backed up and conduct prevent maintenance regularly. Outside of that, there’s always a chance for hardware failure.

In years past, I have heard many consider Dell computer brand to have a stronger customer service and technical support staff, while other brands such as HP have had better reliability. Let me just say, that name brands don’t mean much, especially if they use generic parts within the computer.
Personally, other than my laptop purchases, I have always built my own desktop PC’s. It has allowed me to be as flexible and specific in my component selections and save money along the way. As a note on that, I have always used newegg.com or TigerDirect to purchase my parts, as they always have excellent customer support should there be a hardware failure.

Sure, you can save some money by going with a ‘no-name’ brand, but I will tell you, it’s like most consumer goods we buy everyday…you get what you pay for. Consider also, how you will buy; online or in-store. Compare manufacturer’s customer service and maintenance plans. Consider the amount of assistance you may need; can you handle issues by discussing them over the phone, or will you require hands-on support via local store?
Brand Models
Once you have selected the brand you want to buy from, next consider the various models they offer. Some models are made a bit more tough, especially if you are looking at laptops. Others are designed more for home use. A good example of this would be Dell’s Latitude; a very well-built laptop and has been very reliable.
Start out by reading reviews online and asking friends and acquaintances, tweet your question, or post a Facebook message. Try to narrow your search down before asking the question, as a brad question will never provide you enough facts to make a more-informed decision. Read manufacturer feedback on specific models and visit computer-related forums.
Screen Size and Weight
Whether a desktop or laptop, consider the size of screen, or monitor, you need, based upon use and budget. For laptop users, if you need something portable, consider the weight of the model you select, which will also have to do with screen size.
If like me, you will be purchasing a desktop, go with the biggest screen you can afford, assuming you have room for it. I selected a large HD screen as my primary monitor, which also includes built-in speakers. Though they are not high-def speakers, they do well. For me, one monitor is not enough, but that’s a discussion for another day :-)
Operating System Selection
There are a number of operating systems to choose from for PC’s, including Microsoft’s Windows, Linux, and many variants of. If you are NOT a techie, my recommendation would obviously not stray from a Windows OS.
Within the Windows line, you have options. Make sure you select the version which provides you all the features you will use. However, it’s not necessary to buy the most expensive of the versions, as you probably will not be utilizing the Admin-specific tools available to advanced users.
Make sure to read Part II, Selecting Computer Components, to guide you through the hardware selection process of your next rig, covering the motherboard, video and graphics card, drives, and software applications.
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