Basics Google Hacking


Google Hacking
Google is one of the most popular search engine in the world today we try see See chart below: Understanding Google Hacking According Efvy Zam Kerinci Google Hacking is hacking activity use Google as a means or medium, so instead we want to hack
Google homepage 
Basics Google Hacking 

His name is also the basis of easy anyway but mandatory for the study if essentially Just not know ... what the world ...... It is a little stale but better late than on not at all. Well without a length we go: 
These are some of the commands or syntax which we call so that we can use if you want to play google hacking 
             o Intitle
             o Inurl
             o Site
             o Filetype
             o Intext
             o Info
Let us explain together 
Used to find information on the title or the title of a web page Example: you type "intitle: blogspot" {no quotes} then results in show is a page that uses the title blogspot

Used to produce search results that contain the keyword in The URL we are looking Example: you type "inurl: blogspot" {no quotes} then the results will be in show is the URL / web page menggandung said blogspot

Used to search for the keyword you are looking at one site address only and can be used to find the number of sites in a country Example: you type "blogspot site:" {no quotes} then results will be displayed is only related to the blogspot and also only at address To determine the number of sites in a country Example: you type "site: id" {no quotes} then google will report number of sites that exist in Indonesia. Id is an extension of an existing site at Indonesia

Used to locate a file on the internet with a certain extension for example: . mp3,. doc,. xls,. mdb,. txt,. pdf. and others Example: you type "grenday filetype: mp3" {no quotes} then the result which will be on show from the band peterpan mp3 files that you can instantly download

Used to display the search results in the form of words in the body of the site
certain. Example: you type "intext: admin" {no quotes} then the result is page containing the keyword admin.

information Used to find information from a site in the search Example: "info:" {no quotes} then the results will be displayed is the information from Well that's all basic sebagan google hacking all the join syntax can be right to get a satisfactory result, so not long to find what will we find All of the above basic syntax is the basis of the Google Hacking, for produce search results that you want, you just combine
  1. with other syntax syntax. Example: "filetype: mp3 site:" {no quotes} that is a real joint
  2. Syntax, the syntax filetype and site. Syntax above is used if you wish mp3 download from
Seeing Other People Directory Sensitive Below is a table that can be used in hacking your explore.
Google Hacking creativity in play was the one who united so it says in Numbers
Creativity is the key
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