8 Reasons Blogger / Blogspot is better than by hosting your own Wordpress

Probably most Bloggers say wordpress with hosting their own better than bloggers can use, but not all think like that, Blogger also has its own advantages of on wordpress, which makes bloggers persisted until now.

1. FREE to use and easy setup

Blogger.com is free to use while Wordpress to Host its own cost, although Wordpress is also free, you need to buy the hosting cost, while managed by Google's Blogger and hosting provided free of charge. You can make a lot of the articles you want, with unlimited bandwidth. No FTP account to manage, No Database and infinite bandwidth, so do not worry even if the millions of visitors reading your blog at a time.

2. No complex databases that need to manage

Unlike Wordpress, there is no option to manage the database in the face of bloggers, it makes it easier for you to concentrate on writing rather than install the plugin and backing up the entire database every time you make major changes in your blog, and thus there is no risk of losing your data .

3. No additional code

Blogger A blog of all sections in it together into one in the XML file. This file contains any and all of your blog (except the heading). Your scripts, meta tags, css, all settings, widgets, etc. are stored in one file. While the WP, there are some files to manage, if you need to install something in the header, you must open the file containing the code this header. Similarly, to put something under the post title, you need to open some other files. It becomes easier when the blogger as a single file that contains all kinds of code.

4. Not afraid to crash site

Because there is a database in Wordpress, there is always a risk to the hackers infiltrated. Any and everything (including blog posts) are stored in the database. Of course this can be changed, in clear and even be deleted easily if the wrong people gain access to your database. Your site could be damaged if something is accidentally deleted from any table. In Blogger, there is no database like that at all so you get more time to concentrate on your writing rather than doing the job database management.

5. Easy Backup & Restore

On Blogger, back up your blog is just enough by a click of the button work. And the Backup button provided on the main settings page. You can store the complete XML file locally on your system. To Restore, the same page and accessed by uploading the files you can restore your blog easily. But in WordPress there is given the option to backup. You need to install some plugins to do this or go to the phpmyadmin panel separately to access your database to download locally.

6. Page Layout comfortable and easy on the set

Making changes to the bloggers who are so easy that you do not need to read the manual help to start your blog. Setting a complete view of your site is made very easy through the layout page where you can simply drag and drop widgets on the spot where you want it to appear. In this WP page layouts like this comes with the ease of drag n drop, but you can not see the layout of your actual blog right from the Settings page.

7. No buggy code in Plugin

Wordpress plugins a lot of support. This plugin was developed to make a lot of features to your blog. But because almost all the plugins made by freelance or personal developers and there is no official support provided by the WordPress plugin to monitor this. If a plugin or plugins are not compatible with corrupt code installed, this can cause severe damage to your site in many ways.
In blogger, there are widgets that do not make your site look bad in any way if they are damaged or not properly configured. If the widget is damaged or not working you will immediately get an error when saving changes while the WP ever warn you in this case.

8. No theme (theme) or a plugin that does not match

As I said above, that the wordpress plugin should be compatible with WP version you use. If a plugin is older or incompatible installed you will have so many errors that are often difficult to detect. As with WordPress themes. Developers should upgrade the plugin and theme each time a new version of WP is released.

In the blogger there is no such thing at all. All the themes are 100% compatible no matter how old it is. Same goes for the widget. Blogger.com is very stable. Even if you install the widget corrupt you will get an error message to complete before saving changes.

Wordpress and Blogger? Where do you think is better?
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